Friday, February 28, 2020


   Smilodon is a part of the Machairodont family. Discovered in 1842, this prehistoric animal is more well known as Saber-Toothed Tiger. Although also known by this name, it is a very distant relative to the modern Tiger, or any other modern cats. They can weigh up to 600 pounds. There are currently three species known to man. Smilodon Gracilis, Smilodon Fatalis, and Smilodon Populator. They lived 1 million years ago. It most likely lived in forests, so that the brush would disguise them while hunting prey. Skeletons of Bison and Camels have been found in its stomach. Its first fossils were found in Calcareous Cave, Brazil. Now, its skeletons can be found throughout South America. It is most commonly known for its long serrated teeth. It was a little larger than modern Tigers, but more robustly built. It also had a much shorter tail, and its muzzle was short and broad. One of Smilodons rivals for prey is the Dire Wolf. With how its body is built, it most likely had the ability to climb trees.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


   This Dromeasaurid dinosaur lived in the late cretaceous period approximately 70.6 million years ago. This dinosaur is a fierce predator that is a carnivore. Only a single specimen has been found, in the Arc Basin of Province, France in 1992. When it was first discovered, paleontologists thought it was a species of Megalosaurus. The Pyroraptor, having only one specimen, only has one species, Pyroraptor Olympius. Its name came from where it was discovered actually. It was found at the foot of Mount Olympe. Its name in Greek is "Fire Thief". It had a large curved claw on each of its feet. These curved claws are 2.5 inches long. It was one of those species of dinosaurs that probably had feathers. Its teeth were serrated and curved backward.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hullo Peoples

    Hi, it's me, creator of, back with a reboot! So the old blog had some quirks that shall be corrected in the original. The only negative to this one is one thing, no pictures this time around. I will attempt to post daily. I also want to give a huge shoutout to my supporters from the first blog. I really hope you'll find this one just as entertaining. Now please, enjoy!